Preprocessor directives

Preprocessor directives

Processor directives are the lines embedded in the system beginning with the letter #, distinguishing them from standard source code text. The coordinator asked them to consider other plans before merging. Processor commands change the source code text, resulting in a new source code without these guidelines.

Although processing in C # is similar in that it is similar to C / C ++, it differs in two respects. First, processing in C # does not involve a separate process of processor processing before integration, and it is considered part of the intelligence analysis phase. Second, it cannot be used to create macros. In addition, the new #regular and # unionion references have been added to C # and the omissions of some previously used commands (#include is directive instructions that use substitute with "using" to include assemblies).

Java does not support the preparation instructions.

The processor command is usually inserted over the source code in a separate line starting with the letter "#", followed by the cursor name and the optional white space before and after. Because the comment on the same processor proclamation index line should be used and cannot scroll to the following line, the limited comment cannot be used. The pre-order statement must not end with a comma (;). Processor commands can be defined in the source code or the standard line as a dispute during integration.
An example of furthering clues that can be used in C #:

#define and #undef: Defining and defining conditional conjunctions, respectively. These symbols can be tested during compilation, and the required source code section can be compiled. Symbol width is a file that is defined.