Spanning Tree

What is Graph data structure ?

The graph is a set of vertices connected with the help of edges. A graph may be directed or undirected, and all the vertices are connected in the graph. We can represent a graph using an array of vertices and a two-dimensional array for edges. We can perform basic operations on graphs: adding a vertex, displaying vertex, adding edges, etc.

Spanning Tree

A spanning tree is a tree that connects all the vertices of the graph and the lower number of edges. Therefore, the spanning tree is always connected. Also, the spanning tree has never had a cycle. A spanning tree is always defined by a graph and remains a subset of that graph. Thus, a disconnected graph can never have a spanning tree.

  1. Connected graph :A connected graph is a graph where we can access any vertex from any vertex. Therefore, all vertices are connected on a connected graph in at least one way.
  2. Undirected graph :A graph where the edges have no specific direction. In the unadulterated graph, the edges vary.
  3. Directed graph : The edges do not match in this case. Therefore, we can move from one end to the other. At each end, there is a corresponding guide.
  4. Simple graph : A simple graph without cycles and loops.

Applications of spanning tree

  1. It is used to implement routing protocol in networking
  2. For clustering, i.e., for grouping the same type of object under one category
  3. For finding paths in map
  4. In electrical grid method
  5. While planning civil, water supply, and telecommunication network.

Description of a spanning tree:

Each graph is not directed and connected to a minimum of one opening tree. Consider a graph with V vertices and E number of edges. After that, we will represent a graph like G (V, E). Its open tree will be represented as G ’(V, E’), where E ’⊆ E and the number of vertices remain the same. Therefore, the tree that produces G’s is a G-branch with its own set of the same vertex, but the edges may differ.