SELECT Sentence and Definition Category

SELECT Sentence and Definition Category

Restriction: This article only applies to Windows locations

Each SQL query statement must contain a SELECTION clause and a quote. Combining these two clauses determines the columns of the table searched by the query. The HERE section and other advanced categories limit data retrieval to specific table rows. Sample questions presented throughout the reference use the training tables in the study area. See From Section, WHERE STATUS, Other Categories, and XDB Server Tutorial Location for more details.

The SELECT clause defines the columns in which the query will determine the data values. Data retrieval is limited to specified columns. When selecting from two or more tables with duplicate column names, you may need to qualify for column names with a table or viewing words. Attaching column names with a table or view name ensures that the query finds the correct column (in the right table).


SELECT clause format appears below:

SELECT [ALL | DISTINCT] {* | visible list [, ...]}
guess list:
        phrase [[AS] word] | (CASE-statement) AS the name |
        {name-table | watch name | compound name}. *
CASE Statement:

        ANOTHER idiom END) AS NAME

A (default) option that selects all the lines that meet the WHERE status. Duplicates are not deleted.

An option that removes duplicate lines in the results.

* Represents a list of names that point to the columns of the final results table. The first word in the list indicates the first column, and the second one shows the second column, etc. Add one asterisk instead of a project list to replace all columns in a table or view. Phrase

A list of words for one to 750 columns (separated by commas) probably includes consistency, functions, host flexibility, special registers, label length, and various providers.