Manual Tester Interview Questions

Q1: What are the different levels of manual testing?

Ans: There are four stages of manual testing:

  • Unit testing is a technique for testing the smallest bit of code, known as a unit, that can be logically isolated in a system. It is primarily concerned with the independent module's functional soundness.
  • Integration Testing - This is a level of software testing in which individual parts are joined and tested to ensure that they operate as intended when integrated. The primary goal, in this case, is to test the interaction between the components.
  • System Testing - During system testing, all programme components are examined to ensure that the entire product satisfies the specifications. System testing comes in various flavours, including usability testing, regression testing, and functional testing.
  • User Acceptance Testing (UAT) - The last stage of testing, acceptance testing, or UAT (user acceptance testing), evaluates whether or not the programme is ready for release.

Q2: What are the advantages of manual testing?

Ans: Manual testing has the following advantages:

  • It is a less expensive method of testing when compared to automated testing
  • Analysis of the product from the perspective of the end-user is only possible with manual testing
  • GUI testing can be done more accurately with manual testing because visual accessibility and preferences are difficult to automate
  • It is easy to learn for new testers.
  • It is highly suitable for short-term projects when test scripts are available.

Q3: When should you opt for manual testing over automation testing?

Ans: There are several instances where manual testing is preferable to automation testing, including example:

  • Short-time projects: Although automated tests are intended to save time and money, they need time and resources to create and maintain. For example, if you create a tiny advertising website, relying on manual testing might be far more efficient.
  • Ad-hoc Testing: There is no set method for ad hoc testing. Ad-hoc testing is a completely unplanned type of testing in which the tester's understanding and intuition are the essential factors. This can be accomplished by manual testing.
  • Exploratory Test: This sort of testing necessitates the tester's knowledge, experience, analytical, logical, creative, and intuitive abilities. As a result, human interaction is critical in exploratory testing.
  • Usability Testing: When conducting usability testing, the tester must assess how user-friendly, efficient, or easy the programme or product is for end-users. Because human observation is the essential component, manual testing appears to be more appropriate.

Q4: What is the difference between a bug, a defect and an error?


  • Bug – A bug is a flaw in software that is discovered during testing. They arise as a result of a coding error and cause the software to malfunction. They may potentially cause a functional problem with the product. These are fatal mistakes that can cause functionality to be blocked, a crash, or performance bottlenecks.
  • Defect – A fault is a difference between intended and actual outcomes discovered by the developer after the product has gone live. A flaw is a mistake discovered AFTER the application has gone into production. In layman's terms, it refers to various issues with software products, either their external behaviour or their internal characteristics.
  • Error – An error is a blunder, misunderstanding, or misinterpretation made by a software developer. Software engineers, programmers, analysts, and testers are all examples of developers. A developer, for example, may misinterpret a design notation, or a programmer may enter a variable name improperly, resulting in an error. In most cases, an error occurs in software, resulting in a change in the program's functioning.

Q5: What are some best practices that you should follow when writing test cases?

Ans: The following are some recommendations to consider while developing test cases:

  • Determine which test cases to create first depending on project schedules and application risk considerations.
  • Recall the 80/20 rule. To get optimal coverage, 20% of your tests should cover 80% of your application.
  • Don't try to test instances all at once; instead, improve them as you go.
  • Create a list of your test cases and categorize them based on business situations and functionality.
  • Ensure that test cases are modular and that test case procedures are as detailed as feasible.
  • Write test cases in such a way that others may readily understand them and adapt them as needed.
  • Always keep end-user requirements in mind because the programme is ultimately built for the customer.