Version Control System

Version Control System

The VCS is software that lets software engineers work together and keep a history of work.
VCS (Version Control System)

The functions of a VCS are listed below –

  • Allows developers to operate at the same time.
  • Do not allow each other's updates to be overwritten.
  • Keeps every version's history.

The VCS types are shown below

  • System of central version control (CVCS).
  • Version control system distributed/decentralized (DVCS).

This chapter will focus on the distributed version management system and Git in particular. Git falls under the version control system distribution.

Distributed Version Control System

A central server is used to store all files and allow team cooperation using CVCS. But CVCS's biggest shortcoming is its only failure point, i.e., central server failure. Unfortunately, no one can contribute during that hour if the central server goes down for an hour. And even in the worst event, if you corrupt your central server disc and don't take the proper backup, you will lose the whole project story. Here is the picture of the distributed version control system (DVCS).

DVCS clients view the latest directory snapshot and reflect the repository in its entirety. The server may be copied back to the server to restore the repository from a single client if it falls. Each checkout is a complete repository backup. Git doesn't depend on the central server. Thus, you can do many tasks offline. You can commit, create branches, view logs, and conduct other activities if you are offline. It would help if you had a network connection to publish your modifications solely and make the newest updates.