Delegated Properties

Delegated Properties

Delegation means to enforce different work (the work giving the tasks of its employees) to another person or authority. However, this job is responsible for the effectiveness of the designated person. Similarly, we have a variety of properties in a programming language, but also we can easily enforce them and implement it for everyone who enters the library.

Mainly there are four types of properties for the delegate group:

  • The Lazy property – It is used to carry out the input. By default, we can sync the value in the first calls and returns the same calls and the same value in other calls and lazy ().
  • The Observable properties - This does notify the user about the changes to class with a handler and contains information about changes. It is used to inform notified via callbacks whenever a property is changed. This contains two arguments that contain all reforms that contain all modifications assigned to the object (this contains a property to be assigned, the old value, and the designated new value).
  • Vetoable - When the user (user) fulfills the specified condition, it can be used instead of observable properties if it wants to interrupt the assignment. The Vetoable is like the properties of the additional features observers that are allowed to modify and inform values when we fulfill the values.
  • The properties are stored in a map - This method is used to store properties and use dynamic applications in a map.