The Mongo DB Java Driver

The Mongo DB Java Driver

To interact with MongoDB from our Java application, we will use a software called the Java Driver, an official and recommended MongoDB driver application for the Java language.

If you are using a different programming language, you would need to use the specific driver for that language of your choice. Mongo provides official drivers for the most commonly used programming languages.

The driver exposes certain APIs, making working with the database easier and simplifying the interaction between the business logic and the data stored in our applications.

Using the Mongo Java Driver

Using the Java driver, let's create some example snippets to demonstrate CRUD operations in a Java application. But before we dive into writing our code to manipulate data, let's first add the MongoDB driver dependency to our project.

Create a Database with a Collection

In this section and the following ones, we will be looking at performing the CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) operation from our application code on a Mongo database.

The `getDatabase` method will create a new database if the specified database is not present.

Insert A Document

We can modify the main class as follows to insert a single document:

Insert Many Documents

We could also perform multiple insertions at once programmatically using the `insertMany` method on the collection.

Read Documents

The simplest way to query data from mongo is to find everything in a collection. This is the default behavior of the find method when no arguments are passed to it.