What is XAMPP?

XAMPP is a cross-platform open-source web server that includes a MySQL database engine and PHP and Perl programming packages. Apache is in charge of compiling and maintaining it. Users can utilise a local web server on their computer to construct WordPress websites online. It is compatible with Windows, Linux, and Mac.

Apache is in charge of compiling and maintaining it.

  • X – [cross platform operating systems], which means it can run on any OS, including Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux.
  • A – Apache – This is the programme that runs the webserver.
  • M – MySQL – Database.
  • P – PHP
  • P – Perl – scripting language

Why use XAMPP?

XAMPP provides an easy-to-use control panel to handle Apache, MySQL, and other programmes without requiring commands. We'll need to set up Apache and MySQL before using PHP. Installing and configuring Apache is problematic because it must be set up and integrated with PHP and Perl, among other things. XAMPP simplifies the process of configuring and integrating Apache with PHP and Perl.

PHP requires a webserver to function, unlike Java, solely on the Java SDK.