Distributed P2P Network 

Distributed P2P Network 

Distributed P2P Network Instead of relying on a single body to administer the chain, Blockchains rely on a decentralized peer-to-peer network that anyone can join. When a user enters this network, he will receive a complete copy of the blockchain. Each computer is referred to as a node.

This network's nodes come together to form a consensus. They have reached an agreement on which blocks are genuine and not. The network's nodes will reject blocks that have been tampered with.

To tamper with a blockchain successfully,

  1. You'll need to fiddle with every block on the chain.
  2. redo each block's proof-of-work.
  3. You'll also need to control more than half of the peer-to-peer network.

After you've completed all of these steps, everyone else will accept your tampered block. This is a near-impossible undertaking, and as a result, Blockchains are highly secure. We'll learn how a Blockchain transaction works next in this beginner's Blockchain development tutorial.

What is the Process of a Blockchain Transaction?  

  1. Someone requests a transaction. Cryptocurrency, contracts, records, or other information could be involved in the transaction.
  2. With the help of nodes, the requested transaction is broadcast to a P2P network.
  3. The transaction and the user's status are validated by the network of nodes using well-known techniques.
  4. Once the transaction is completed, the new block is added to the old blockchain so that it is permanent and unalterable.