The Web Services architecture explains how to establish interoperable parts and conduct activities.
In web services design, three roles interact service provider, service requester, and service registry. The interaction comprises three procedures: publish, find, and bind. These functions and roles apply to web service artifacts, as well as the web service software module and its definition of web service artifacts..
A network-associable module is hosted by the service provider (web service). It creates a web service description and publishes it to a service requestor or registry. The service description is retrieved locally or through the service registry using a find operation by this service requestor. It binds with the service provider and invokes the web service implementation using the service description.
In web service architecture, there are three roles:
Service Requestor Service Provider Service Registry
Provider of Services
From an architectural standpoint, the platform is the one that hosts the services.
Requestor of Services
The application looking for and invoking or initiating an interaction with a service is known as a service requestor. Without a user interface, a consumer or software controls the browser, which acts as the requester.
Publish: A service description must be published in the publish operation so that a service requester can find it.
The service requestor receives the service description directly using the find operation. For the service requestor, it can be involved in two separate lifetime phases:
Time to acquire the service's interface description for program development during the design phase.
Also, retrieve the service's binding and location description for invocation at runtime.
Bind: In the bind operation, the service requestor uses the binding details in the service description to identify, contact, and invoke the service at runtime.
Web services have two types of artefacts:
Registry Service for Service:A service is an interface that a service description describes. The implementation of the service is described in the service description. A service is a software module that the service provider deploys on network-accessible platforms. It communicates with the person who makes the service request. It can also act as a requestor when other Web Services are implemented.
Service Description:The service description contains information about the service's interface and implementation. Its data kinds, processes, critical information, and network location are all included. It can also categorize other metadata to make it easier for service requesters to find and use it. It can be made available to service requesters or service registries.