Spring Custom Validation

Example of a Custom Validation in Spring MVC:

In the pom.xml file, add dependencies. pom.xml is the filename for the pom.xml file.
To begin, create the bean class. Employee.java is a Java class that represents an employee.

Create the controller class.
Assemble the validator annotation.
Assemble the validator class
On the web, provide the controller's entry
In the XML file, define the bean.
Create the page that has been requested.

We roll out our annotation and use it in our model to enforce the validation rules when creating a custom validator.

As a result, we'll produce the four validations stated below.

  • Email: The email address should be genuine.
  • In the name, no numbers or special characters are permitted.
  • The only contact number should be included.
  • Password: At least one number, one special symbol, one upper case, one lower case letter, and a length of 5 to 20 characters should be included in the password.