Spring MVC Configuration:

Spring MVC Configuration:

Applications can declare the infrastructure beans described in Special Bean Types necessary to handle requests. For each specific bean, the DispatcherServlet examines the WebApplicationContext. If no matching bean types are found, the default types provided in DispatcherServlet.properties are used. The MVC Config is the best place to start in most instances, and it specifies the necessary beans in Java or XML and offers a higher-level configuration callback API for customizing.

Spring MVC configuration may be accomplished in a variety of ways:

Configuration for spring:

The Spring MVC framework allows for the separation of components such as Model, View, and Controller and the smooth integration of applications. The @Controller annotation is used to identify that class as a controller, allowing the developer to construct sophisticated apps using basic java classes.

Spring annotation-based setup is made easier using the @Configuration annotation. The @Configuration annotation denotes that a class specifies one or more @Bean methods, which the Spring container can use to build bean definitions and service requests for those beans at runtime.

Spring MVC Configuration in Java:

All we have to do is add the @EnableWebMvc annotation to a Java configuration class to enable Spring MVC support:

Using XML Configuration Controller and Views in Spring MVC

Spring MVC with Bootstrap

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Entry Point for Spring Boots