Spring boot development tools

Spring boot development tools

This section goes into more detail on how to use Spring Boot. Includes topics such as building plans, default configuration, and how to use your apps. We've also put together some excellent Spring Boot options. While there is nothing special about Spring Boot (just other libraries you can use), there are a few suggestions that, if followed, will make your development process a little easier.
It will help if you read the launch guide starting with Spring Boot before entering this section.

1. Create Programs

It is highly recommended that you choose a building program that supports trust management and can consume antiques published in the "Maven Central" archive. We recommend that you choose a Maven or Gradle. Spring Boot may have worked with other building systems (Ant, for example), but they are not mainly supported.

1.1. Trust Management

Each release of Spring Boot offers a selected list of support dependencies. In practice, you do not need to provide a version of any of these dependencies in your build configuration, as Spring Boot holds for you. If you upgrade the Spring Boot itself, this reliability is also improved consistently.
The selected list contains all the Spring modules you can use with Spring Boot, as well as a refined list of third-party libraries. The list is available as standard utility bills (boot-spring-dependent) that can be used with Maven and Gradle.

1.2. Maven

To learn about using Spring Boot and Maven, please refer to the documentation for Spring Boot's Maven plugin:

Reference (HTML and PDF)


1.3. Gradle

To learn how to use Spring Boot with Gradle, please refer to the documentation for Spring Boot's Gradle plugin:

Reference (HTML and PDF)


1.4. The ant

It is possible to build a Spring Boot project using Apache Ant + Ivy. The spring-boot-antlib module "AntLib" is also available to help Ant to make usable jars.

Announcing the dependency, the standard ivy.xml file looks similar to the following


<ivy-module version = "2.0">     <info organization = "org.springframework.boot" module = "spring-boot-sample-ant" />     <configurations>         <conf name = "compile" description = "all you need to do this module" />         <conf name = "runtime" extends = "compile" description = "everything needed to run this module" />     </configurations>     <dependence>         <dependency org = "org.springframework.boot" name = "spring boot"             rev = "$ {spring-boot.version}" conf = "compile" />     </dependency> </ivy-module>