What is operator ?
The operator is a sign used to perform some specific operations on data. There are three basic types of operators, which are as follows.
- Operator is a sign which is used to perform some specific operations on data. There are three basic types of operators which are as follows.
- Binary Operator
- Ternary Operator
- Unary Operator: This operator has only one operand. E.g. Increment or Decrement Operator. (++, --).
- Binary Operator: This operator contains two operands at its both sides. E.g. Arithmetic Operator, Assignment Operator, Logical Operator, Relational Operator.
- Ternary Operator: In this operator, there are three operands. E.g. Conditional Operator.
Assignment Operator
The assignment operator is a binary operator where two operands are used. The (=) sign denotes the assignment operator. This operator is used to assign some value to any variable or copy value from one variable to another.
E.g. A = 10; // Here value 10 gets assigned to variable A.
B = A; // Here value of variable A gets copied in variable B.
Combination Operator using “=” Operator
- += Operator : This is a combination of + and = operator.
E.g. a+=b; // Can be written as a = a+b;
- -= Operator : This is a combination of - and = operator.
E.g. a-=b; // Can be written as a = a-b;
- *= Operator : This is a combination of * and = operator.
E.g. a*=b; // Can be written as a = a*b;
- /= Operator : This is a combination of / and = operator.
E.g. a/=b; // Can be written as a = a/b;
Example of Assigment operator:
void main()
int total=0,n;
total+=n; /* total=total+n */
printf("total = %d",total);
total = 45