In C, the next 6 operators are bitwise operators (operating at a lower level)
& (Bitwise AND) in C or C ++ takes two numbers as operators and does ONLY for all two numbers. The AND result is only 1 if both pieces are 1.
The | (bitwise OR) in C or C ++ takes two numbers as operators and makes OR in all two numbers. The result of OR is 1 if any of these two components is 1.
The ^ (bitwise XOR) in C or C ++ takes two numbers as operators and makes XOR in both numbers. The XOR result is 1 if the two pieces are different.
<< (Shift left) to C or C ++ takes two numbers, the left shifts the fragments of the first operand, the second operand determines the number of locations to be removed.
>> (right shift) in C or C ++ takes two numbers, the right removes fragments of the first operand, the second operand determines the number of locations to be removed.
~ (Bitwise NOT) in C or C ++ takes one number and converts all its bits
AND_xyz value=0 OR_xyz value=120 XOR_xyz value=-41 NOT_xyz value=120 left_shift value=80 right_shift value=20