Classes and Constructors

Class declaration

Typically, a class declaration contains only the keyword, followed by the class identifier (name). However, some optional features can be used with the class announcement depending on the need for the app. Generally, section announcements may include the following:

Modifiers: Category can be public or internal, etc. The automatic modification of the section is internal.

Keyword class: A category keyword is used to announce a category.

Class Identifier: Class type variations are provided. The index (or category name) should start with the first letter capitalized for the meeting.

Base class or super class: The parent name of the category (superclass), if any, preceded by: (colon). This can be selected.

Interfaces: Comma-separated list of contacts used by section, if any, preceded by: (colon). The category can make more than one visual interface, which can be selected.

Body: The body of the class is surrounded by {} (curly braces).

Classroom builders are used to starting new things. Fields are flexible objects that give the class and its objects, and methods are used to make the class and its objects work.


// declaring public class public class Geeks {     // field variable     public int a, b;       // member function or method       public void display()       {           Console.WriteLine(“Class & Objects in C#”);       } }