Renaming the repository

Renaming the repository

When you rename a repository, all existing data, except for project site URLs, are automatically redirected to a new name, including:

  • Issues
  • Wikis
  • Stars
  • Followers

In addition to redirecting web traffic, all git clones, git fetches, or git Push tasks aimed at the past will continue to work as if created in a new location. However, we strongly recommend updating any local clones that point to the new last URL to reduce confusion. You can do this by using the git remote on the command line:

$ git remote set-url Origin new_url

For more information, see "Managing remote storage."

If you are planning to rename a repository with a GitHub Pages site, we recommend using a custom domain for your site. This ensures that the site URL is not affected by renaming the repository. For more information, see "About Custom Domains and GitHub Pages."

Tip: Only members who own the organization's or administrative rights in the shelter can rename the repository. For more information, see "Organizational Location Levels."

Warning: If you create a new storage location under your account in the future, do not use the actual repository name of the repository. If you do, the redirect to the last name will be broken.

In GitHub, navigate to the last main page.

Under your last name, click Settings.

Under the header name, type a new name for your last name.

Click Rename. You're done!