JSON Data type
JSON format extends support for the below-mentioned data types:
Sr.No. | Type & Description |
1 | Number
JavaScript’s format of floating point with double precision
2 | String
Unicode that is double quoted with backslash based escaping |
3 | Boolean
True / false |
4 | Array
Values’ ordered sequence |
5 | Value
May be a number, a string, true / false, null value, etc. |
6 | Object
key:value pairs’ ordered collection |
7 | Whitespace
May be used between any token pairs |
8 | null
empty |
- The floating point format in JavaScript is double precision and depends on implementation.
- No hexadecimal and octal formats are used.
- Number does not employ NaN or Infinity.
Sr.No. | Type & Description |
1 | Integer
Digits 1 to 9, 0 and both positive and negative ones
2 | Fraction
Fractions, including .3, .9, etc.
3 | Exponent
Exponents such as e, e-, e+, E, E-, E+, etc.
- The Unicode characters with a backslash escape is zero or more double-cited.
- Character is a single string, i.e. a longitudinal string 1.
Sr.No. | Type & Description |
1 | "
double quotation |
2 | \
backslash |
3 | /
forward slash |
4 | b
backspace |
5 | f
form feed |
6 | n
new line |
7 | r
carriage return |
8 | t
horizontal tab |
9 | u
four hexadecimal digits |
- It contains true or false values.
- The value collection is ordered.
- The square brackets are included, which signifies that the array begins at.[ and finishes with.].
- Separation of the values by (comma).
- The indexing of the array may commence at 0 or 1.
- When key names are sequential integers, arrays should be used.
- The set of names/value pairs is an unordered set.
- Objects are embedded in curly braces, which means that they begin with '{' and end with '}.'
- The '(colon) and the key / value pairs separate by ' are followed by each name; (comma).
- The keys should be strings and be varied.
- When key names are arbitrary strings, objects should be utilized.
- It is possible to insert between any tokens pair. To make a code more readable, it can be included. An example is a statement with and without whitespace –
JSON Value
It includes −
- number (integer or floating point)
- string
- boolean
- array
- object
- null