

JSON Schema is the JSON-based format definition for defining the JSON data structure. It was drawn up in 2011 as part of the IETF draught. −

  • Describe the format of your existing data.
  • Clear documentation that humans and machines can read.
  • Entire validation structure, useful for automatic testing.
  • Complete structural validation, customer-submitted data validation.
Sr.No. Keyword & Description
1 $schema
It states that the schema draws out accordingly with draught v4.
2 title
Used for giving a title to the schema.
3 description
Schema’s little discription.
4 type
The type keyword defines the first constraint on our JSON Data: it has to be a JSON object.
5 properties
In the JSON file, define different keys and their value categories, as well as min. and max. values.
6 required
Maintains a list of all the needed properties.
7 minimum
Value's constraint, that reflects the lowest allowable value.
8 exclusiveMinimum
If the variable "exclusiveMinimum" is available and has a true boolean value, the instance is legitimate if it exceeds the minimum value.
9 maximum
Constraint and the maximum value that can be used. It’s the final limit.
10 exclusiveMaximum
If boolean value "exclusiveMaximum" is included, the instance is valid if it is strictly less than the maximum value.
11 multipleOf
The numbered instance remains valid against "multipleOf" if the result of division by this keyword is an integer.
12 maxLength
The length of the string instance is the maximum amount of characters.
13 minLength
The duration of a string instance is set to the minimal number of characters.
14 pattern
A string instance is considered valid if the regular expression matches it correctly.