Type-Safe Builders

Type-Safe Builders

A secure type constructor is a concept instead of a language function, so it is not strictly formalized.

The typical structure of a Type-Safe Builder

A single builder function is usually three steps:

  • Create an object.
  • Execute Lamda to launch an object.
  • Add an object to structure or return it.

Type-Safe Manufacturers in Kotlin Libraries are:

The idea of a type-safe manufacturer is widely used in some kotlin libraries and frameworks:

  • Anko
  • Wasabi
  • Ktor
  • Spec

Kotlin can create typing-safe by using manufacturers using functional named functions. Kotlin-based domain-specific languages (DSLs) and Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) are ideal for producing type-safe manufacturers. Sample usage cases for manufacturers are:

  • Creating the markup using the kotlin code such as HTML or XML
  • Configuring the router for a web server: ktor

How does it work?

Suppose that Kotlin needs to be implemented in the type-safe builder. First, define the pattern you want to make. To model HTML tags, it can be easily done using a set of classes. For example, HTML is a class that describes the children as , and . This function is taken by an activity that is named this function. The type of function is HTML. () -> Unit, this is a function with a receiver. This means that type of html (receiver) you will pass to the function, and you can pass the members of that example within the function. We can access the receiver by this keyword.