Getting System Information

How to View Linux System Information?

If we want to know only the system name, then the uname command can be used without any switch that will print the system information or the uname –s command that will print the kernel name of the system. To fetch the system-related information, a collection of commands can be used.

Statistics on the CPU, memory, network, and disk (I/O Operations)

It is beneficial to get the general statistics about the main components of the Linux family using the stat commands.

CPU: We can use the mpstat command to get the statistics to get processors, but it will improve with a few options visibility.

Memory: We know free to show (remaining) RAM, but see all the statistics, including I / O actions.

Disk: We can use iostat to get general information about your disk actions.

Network: We can see what happens in your network services; you can use netstat.

Hardware List

Ubuntu - lshw is a small device to extract detailed information about the machine hardware configuration. It can be reported exact memory configuration, firmware version, Mainboard Configuration, CPU version, SPEED, Cache configuration, bus speeds, etc.

Process Monitoring

There are two types of process monitoring they are:

  • Static Monitoring
  • Interactive Monitoring

Static Monitoring - The most widely used command is complicated processes, including process recognition numbers (PIDs).

Interactive Monitoring - The most well-known tool for dynamic monitoring is $ top—this default command with extensive options to filter information and represent information compared to the PS command.