Microservices Security of Service

Microservices Security of Service

Organizations must embrace a few interconnected essential techniques to keep their microservices security patterns up to date while being agile, as microservices architecture and the application security ecosystem continue to grow rapidly.

#1 Defense in Depth

Defense in depth is a critical approach to employ. Gone are the days when a single firewall-protected your monolithic system. Defense is a security technique in which many tiers of security controls are implemented across an organization's software systems. The services with the most sensitive data require several variables, layers of protection in the context of microservices.

#2 DevSecOps

The second and equally important method is DevSecOps. Like all other parts of the DevOps pipeline, Microservices security necessitates the use of DevSecOps tools and procedures. Shifting security left by integrating application security testing tools throughout the DevSecOps pipeline, from design to production, is one of them.

#3 Isolation

According to IBM's Gavin Kenny, isolation is a fundamental principle of microservices: "Each service must be an autonomous piece of the broader application puzzle." A microservice must be able to be deployed, maintained, changed, scaled, and decommissioned without affecting the other microservices in its immediate vicinity." He says that this extends to the architecture's support functions, such as the database level, and that isolation is equally vital in failure mode.

#1 API Gateways

APIs are one of the most vulnerable aspects of microservices design patterns. Building API gateways is crucial for putting together microservices security best practices, especially when working with several. These serve as a single point of entry for external requests, assisting in blocking a client's direct access to microservices and preventing malicious actor assaults.

#2 User Authentication and Access Control

User authentication and access control are crucial aspects of a sound microservices security plan because safeguarding endpoints is incredibly vital for microservices security. For user authorization, experts advocate using the popular OAuth/OAuth2 protocol. Multifactor authentication is also vital in safeguarding your app, both for prevention and detection, because it helps block bad actors and alerts you when an intrusion happens.

#3 Scan Dependencies

The majority of the software we produce today comprises third-party and open-source components. A complicated network of dependencies is impossible to keep track of by hand. When a dependency contains a security flaw, this becomes a problem. It's critical to keep track of third-party and open-source components, as well as all of their dependencies, to detect and fix security flaws as quickly as feasible.

#4 Application Security Testing Tools

Because the number of security vulnerabilities continues to rise year after year, it's critical to incorporate a variety of black box and white box application security testing technologies into your DevSecOps pipeline. Throughout your DevSecOps pipelines, they could include SAST (static application security testing), DAST (dynamic application security testing), RASP (runtime application self-protection), and SCA (software composition analysis tools).

#5 Container Security

Container security is critical in cloud-native systems where microservices are deployed. This includes container images, registries, orchestration, and the entire containerized environment. DevSecOps, fortunately, provides us with a plethora of automated container security technologies and solutions that we can quickly integrate into our environments.