Replace the Existing Binaries
MongoDB versioning has the form X.Y.Z where X.Y refers to the release series and Z refers to the patch number.
Starting with MongoDB 5.0, MongoDB is released in two different release series:
For MongoDB 4.4 and previous, MongoDB used a Production / Development versioning system. See Historical Releases.
Major Releases are made available approximately once a year and introduce new features and improvements. Major Releases are supported for MongoDB Atlas and on-premises deployments.
Example versions:
Rapid Releases are available approximately once each quarter that does not contain a Major Release and introduce new features and improvements. Rapid Releases are only supported within MongoDB Atlas and are not supported for on-premises deployments.
Rapid Releases are not available for use with MongoDB Ops Manager.
Example versions:
Patch Releases are made available as needed to both Major Releases and Rapid Releases. Patch releases generally include bug fixes and minor improvements.
Example versions:
In advance of new Major Releases and Rapid Releases, Release Candidates are made available for early testing. A Release Candidate represents a version of the upcoming release that is stable enough to begin testing but unsuitable for production deployment.
Example versions:
The version numbering system for MongoDB differs from the system used for the MongoDB drivers.
Starting with MongoDB 5.0, the MongoDB Shell (mongosh) is released separately from the MongoDB Server and uses its version numbering system.
Starting with MongoDB 4.4, the MongoDB Database Tools are released separately from the MongoDB Server and use their version numbering system.