MongoDB represents an open-source, document-oriented, developed and supported by a company called 10gen. MongoDB is written in C++, and it is a popular NOSQL database. NoSQL merely intends non-relational databases, i.e., there are table-like relational database structures. This formatting of stores is titled BSON and is many lookalikes to JSON.
SQL was invented in the 70s for storing data. MongoDB stores documents (or) objects. Nowadays, everyone works with objects. For example, Python, Ruby, Java, etc., require databases for our objects to survive. Embedded documents and arrays reduce the need for joints.
The first version of MongoDB databases shipped in August 2009 once the company built a platform as a service similar to Window Azure. MongoDB was developed by 10gen, a New York-based organization known as MongoDB Inc. It was initially created as a PAAS. . Later in 2009, it was launched as an open-source database server maintained and supported by MongoDB Inc.
MongoDB 2.4.9 is the latest and most stable version, released on January 10, 2014. Currently, the newest version released in 2017 is MongoDB 3.6.