What is NLP?

What is NLP?

History of NLP

The following are significant events in Natural Language Processing history: Begin with ERP.
1950- Alan Turing wrote an essay titled "Machine and Intelligence," which launched NLP.
1950- Attempts to automate Russian-English translation begin.
1960- Chomsky's and others' work on formal language theory and generative syntax.  
1990- Probabilistic and data-driven models were widely used.
2000- a large amount of oral and written data becomes available.
We'll study how NLP works next in this NLP tutorial.

Advantages of NLP

  • Users can ask inquiries about any subject and receive an immediate response.
  • The NLP system responds to questions using natural language.
  • The NLP system provides precise replies to inquiries with no extraneous or undesired information.
  • As the amount of relevant information offered in the question increases, so does the accuracy of the answers.
  • The Natural Language Processing (NLP) technique aids computers in communicating with humans in their language and scales other language-related activities.
  • It enables you to compare more language-based data to a human without becoming fatigued and in an unbiased and consistent manner.
  • Organizing a data source that is severely unstructured.