NLP Terminology

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that allows intelligent machines to communicate using natural language such as English.

Natural language processing is essential when you want an intelligent system, such as a robot, to follow your commands, when you want to hear a decision from a dialogue-based clinical expert system, and so on.

The topic of natural language processing (NLP) entails programming computers to accomplish useful activities using the natural languages that humans use. An NLP system's input and output can be anything.

  • Speech
  • Written Text

NLP Terminology

  • Phonology is the systematic organisation of sound.
  • Morphology is the study of how words are constructed from simple, meaningful units.
  • The morpheme is a fundamental linguistic unit of meaning.
  • The syntax is the process of putting words together to form a sentence. It also entails figuring out what structural role words have in sentences and phrases.
  • Semantics is the study of the meaning of words and how to put them together to form meaningful phrases and sentences.
  • Pragmatics is the study of how to use and understand sentences in various settings and how this affects the sentence's interpretation.
  • Discourse is concerned with how the preceding sentence influences the interpretation of the following sentence.
  • World Knowledge This refers to a person's general understanding of the world.