HTTP Client in Angular
HttpClient is a new feature in Angular 6 that allows us to get external data, post to it, and more. To utilize the HTTP service, we must first import the HTTP module. Consider the following scenario to learn how to use the HTTP service. Let's put the HTTP client to work in the app. component now.
The Angular HTTP Client is a network connection API that is streamlined. It's a wrapper for the XMLHttpRequest API in JavaScript. The API is designed asynchronous, and JavaScript is a single-threaded programming language. The UI will otherwise be frozen if you make a blocked synchronous HTTP call. It lets you make HTTP queries (GET, POST, etc. ), deal with request and response headers, and write asynchronous code. It makes use of the Observable object from the rxjs async framework.
Using The HTTP Client – Overview
- The HttpClient Angular service class provides access to the primary client API. The Angular module HttpClientModule offers this.
- HttpClientModule should be imported from your application module.
It is built a Data Service that makes network requests:
- Inject the instance of the HttpClient service.
- To make network calls, use the HttpClient methods. They produce an Observable object as a result. This Observable is usually returned by the service method.
- The response data is shown using an Angular component:
- The function Object() { [native code] } is injected with the data service.
- The component receives an Observable object by using a data service method.
- The component then "subscribes" to the Observable to get the HTTP call's response.
- The data is displayed in the component's template.