In Angular, structural directives are responsible for altering, changing, and deleting components within a component's template. A structural command is applied to a primary element, and it alters and updates the main element and its child elements based on the behavior of the structural directive. In Angular, we have structural directives like "ngFor," "ngSwitch," and "ngIf.". You're learning how to make Custom Structural Directives, so keep that in mind.,
Structural Directives are directives that add or remove components from the DOM structure.
NgIf, NgFor, and NgSwitch are three built-in structural commands.
The HTML5 ng-template> element is used to implement these directives. This is a new HTML tag created particularly for holding template code. It can be placed beneath the body element, but any material contained within it is not shown in the browser.
Structural directives are an essential element of Angular that everyone should know about. They are in charge of modifying the DOM by adding, deleting, and updating elements. You've almost likely used *ngIf and *ngFor in your templates, even if you've never written a structural directive before. It is a structural instruction, as shown by the asterisk ( * ).