Environment setup of Hibernate

Downloading of Hibernate

It is expected that you already have Java installed on your computer. Hibernate can be easily installed by following these easy steps:

  • Please select either Windows or Unix as your operating system and go to the next step to download.zip file for Windows or Tz file for Unix to complete installation of Hibernate on your system.
  • http://www.hibernate.org/downloads allows you to download the newest version of Hibernate for free.
  • The first step is to download hibernate-distribution3.6.4.Final, which will provide you with a directory structure when you unzip the file.

How to install Hibernate?

It's easy to install Hibernate after you've downloaded and unzipped its latest version. To avoid problems during compilation, ensure your CLASSPATH variable is configured correctly.

  • Then, copy all of the library files from /lib into your CLASSPATH, and update your classpath variable to include all of the JAR files.
  • Hibernate3.jar should now be located in your CLASSPATH. This file is located in the installation's root directory and is the primary JAR that Hibernate requires to function.

There are several prerequisites to Hibernate.

As a result, you should install the following packages/libraries before you start using Hibernate: /lib library files must be copied into your CLASSPATH, and the CLASSPATH variable must be changed accordingly.

  • dom4j: XML processing www.dom4j.org/
  • Xalan: www.apache.org/xalan-j Xalan: XSLT Processor
  • Xerces: It is based on the Java Parser, Xerces. https://xml.apache.org/xerces-j/
  • cglib: Changes to Java classes at runtime using cglib. http://cglib.sourceforge.net/
  • log4j: https://logging.apache.org/log4j/
  • Commons: logging, email, and such. https://jakarta.apache.org/commons
  • SLF4J: Java https://www.slf4j.org Logging Facade