The GROUP BY section is a SQL command used to collect lines with the same values. The GROUP BY section is used in the SELECTION statement and voluntarily used in conjunction with integrated activities to generate summary reports from the database.
That's what you do, summarize the data from the database.
The questions in the GROUP BY section are called queries and return one line to each compiled item.
Now that we know what the SQL GROUP BY section is, let’s take a look at the basic group syntax in question.
SELECT statements ... GROUP WITH COLUMN_name1 [, column_word2, ...] [RAIN Status] HERE
"SELECT STATEMENTS ..." is a standard SQL SELECT question.
"GROUP BY column_name1" is a subsection that makes collections based on column_name1.
"[, Column_name2, ...]" can be selected; represents other column names when the collection is performed in more than one column.
"[Having status]" can be selected; is used to limit the lines affected by the GROUP BY clause. It's the same with the clause THERE.
Grouping using Single Column
To help understand the effect of SQL Group By clause, let's make a simple question that returns all gender entries to the membership table.
CHOOSE `sex` FROM` members`;
The woman
The woman
The woman
Suppose we want to find out the different sexes. We can use the following question -