Deployment automation

Deployment automation

Deployment automation allows you to use your software in testing and production environments by pressing a button. Automation is important to reduce the risk of production shipments. It is also important to provide a quick response to the quality of your software by allowing teams to perform complete testing as soon as possible after changes.

The default submission process has the following input:

Packages are made with a continuous integration process (CI) (these packages should be shipped to any environment, including production).

Scripts for environmental preparation, package delivery, and performance testing (sometimes known as smoke testing).

Environmental planning details.

We recommend that you keep the script and structural information in version control. Your delivery process should download packages to a repository (for example, Container Registry, Nexus, Artifactory, or your built-in CI toolbar).

Scripts usually perform the following functions:

Adjust the target location by installing and configuring any required software or starting visual hosting from a pre-configured image from a cloud provider such as Google Cloud.

Use packages.

Perform any post-related tasks, such as using migration data documents.

Perform any required configuration.

Perform a shipping test to ensure that any required external services are accessible and that the system is working.