Props in React Native?

What are Props in React Native?

Props are used to provide properties to the components using which they can be modified and customized. These properties are passed to the components when the Component is created. Props are used in both user-defined and default components to extend their functionality. These props are immutable and cannot be changed after the creation of the Component.

The properties of React Native components are pronounced as props. In React Native, most of the components can be customized at their creation with different parameters, and these parameters are known as props. One example of props is a source property if the Image component which controls the image is displayed over the device screen.

Using props in our Component

We can also use props in our components. A single component can be used in many different places in the app by making slightly different properties. To implement the props in our Component, this. Props are applied, followed by the property.

For example, one of the essential React Native components is Text. When creating a Text component, we can use a prop "name" as props to control its appearance. We also apply the StyleSheet to the Component used as our Component.

Prop types

The prop-types package allows you to add runtime type checking to your Component, ensuring the types of props passed to the Component are correct. Defining propTypes can make your Component more readable and maintainable.

Multiple PropTypes

You can also have multiple proptypes for one prop. For example, the name props I'm taking can also be an object.

Children Props

There is also a unique prop called children, which is not passed in.

Uses of Props

We use props in React to pass data from one Component to another (from a parent component to a child component(s)). Props are just a shorter way of saying properties, and they are helpful when you want the flow of data in your app to be dynamic.