Routing in React Native?

What is Routing in React Native?

React Navigation is a popular library for routing and Navigation in a React Native application. This library helps solve the problem of navigating between multiple screens and sharing data between them.

React Navigation is a popular library for routing and Navigation in a React Native application. This library helps solve the problem of navigating between multiple screens and sharing data between them. It will display the number of connections a user has and provide a way to connect with additional friends.

Navigator component

Navigator works for both IOS and android. Routes to Navigator are provided as objects. You also provide a renderScene function that renders the scene for each route object and initialRoute are used to specify the first route.

How do you navigate from one page to another in React Native?

Moving from one screen to another is performed using the navigation prop, which passes down our screen components. It is similar to writing the below code for a web browser:

Is routing necessary in react?

In that context, React Router is not necessary at all. React Router is rich with navigational components that compose declaratively with your application, which can be very useful for larger and more complex navigational requirements in React applications. It is also great for React Native applications.