IOS Introduction
Swift UI Label
Swift UI Button
Swift UI Text Field
Swift UI Slider
Swift UI Switch
Swift UI Stepper
Swift UI Date Picker
Swift UI Segmented Control
Table View
Collection Views
iOS Content View
iOS View Controllers
iOS Bar interface
iOS Navigation interface
iOS Architect Pattern
iOS Libraries
iOS Web request and parsing
iOS user defaults
iOS Coredata and database

What is the ScrollView

What is the ScrollView?

One of the most versatile controls in iOS and known largely for making tables in iOS applications scrollable, the ScrollView is the best way to display continuous content that doesn’t fit in a single screen

ScrollViews let us drag the area of the content to view, add pinch gestures for zooming in and out. Here we look at how to create a nested ScrollView with the Interface Builder

Creating the Simplest Form of a ScrollView Control :

Launch a new project in Xcode from the Launchpad on your Mac. You should see the welcome screen as shown below.

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(If you don’t then go to file>new>playground)

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Click on “Create a new Xcode project

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The dialog that pops up allows you to choose a template for your project. For the purposes of this article choose “App” under “Application.”

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The following dialog box opens up. Here you can name the project CollectionView, choose the type of interface as “Storyboard” and select the Life Cycle as “SwiftUI App” & finally the language you want to continue in as “Swift”.

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Finally, choose where you’d like to save the file and click create.

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In the canvas, next to the code editor, click Resume to display the preview. If it isn’t visible, go to Editor and click Editor and Canvas to view it.Go to the main Storyboard, click on View under ViewControllerScene

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Add a scroll view by searching for it using the “+” sign and dragging an dropping it onto the main storyboard

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Stretch it across the screen and add constraints in all directions.

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Now add an UIView using command+shift+L search for and drop a UIView on the Scroll View

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Expand it and add constraints and make it a scroll view using the dropdown menu

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To add equal widths, hold down control and drag the mouse down from the UIView to the ScrollView

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Select Equal Widths

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Change the height to 1000

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Now let’s add a Stackview from the Library

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Add constraints to all four corners

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Now add a stack view to the UIView and give it constraints

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Duplicate the view to create about 8-10 UIViews within the stack

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To each view add some colour to identify their boundaries

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Add a label to each UIView

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You can adjust heights etc. if required. Finally, run the application to get this scrollable list.


You can add all different kinds of views to the ScrollView like we added the UIView to create an incredibly customised application which is the beauty of the Scroll view.


Scroll views are also used in iOS to create panning zooming gestures in applications.

To do the latter, set the Scroll View’s “delegate” in Storyboard to the Zoomed Photo View Controller. Also, connect the new constraint outlets to the appropriate constraints using the same.