Interview Questions Related to Angular

Q1: Define Angular?

Ans: Angular is another framework that is an open-source front-end web. Also, among the javascript frameworks that are managed by Google, angular is very famous. The reason that contributes to the popularity of this platform is the simple development of web-based applications. It makes it easy for front-end developers in curating applications that are cross-platform.
It is a TypeScript-based free web application framework and is a remake from the team that created AngularJS. It has essential features, such as declarative templates, dependency injection, an end to end tooling, and a number of other great practices that make the development path convenient.

Q2: What is the benefit of using Angular?

Ans: Although angular has several advantages, we are writing some of the main benefits of using the Angular framework to enhance modularity and flexibility in the applications.

  • This framework supports two-way data-binding.
  • The pattern architecture it follows is MVC.
  • It has a static template and an Angular template.
  • You are able to do custom directives.
  • It supports RESTfull services that are used to create APIs for web-based applications.
  • Angular supports validations as well.
  • It smoothes client and server communication.
  • It supports dependency injection to increase flexibility in your applications.
  • It has powerful features, such as event handlers, animation, and much more.

Q3: What are the main uses and templates in Angular?

Ans: Generally, people use Angular for the development of Single Page Applications. The single-page application is commonly known as SPA. Angular gives you some ready-to-use modules. Basically, these modules facilitate the development of single-page applications. In addition to that, it has features, such as built-in data streaming, type safety, and a modular CLI that helps you to locally serve and build your app. Angular is popular for having a web framework..
In Angular, you have to write templates with HTML that have Angular-specific elements and attributes. These templates have the information that comes from the model and controller. These templates give a dynamic view to the one using them.

Q4: Explain the phenomenon of string interpolation?

Ans: In Angular, to display the component data, string interpolation is a specific syntax that utilizes template expressions within double curly braces{{ }}. In technical terms, it is called moustache syntax. The curly braces include JavaScript expressions that are executed by Angular. Moreover, into the HTML code, the relative output is embedded. Usually, these expressions are registered and upgraded..
In Angular 8, string Interpolation is a one-way data-binding method. This method can be used for shifting the data to an HTML template from a TypeScript code. To showcase the data from the component to the view, it puts the template expression to use in double curly braces.

Q5: What is the scope in Angular?

Ans: In this framework, a scope is an object that is related to the application model. For the expressions, it serves as an execution. The arrangement of these scopes is in a hierarchical order. This structure copies the DOM structure of the application. With the help of scopes, it can watch expressions and propagate events. .
The Angular application has a view that is the HTML. then, there is a model that is available for the current view. Lastly, we have a controller that is a JavaScript function that manages the data. To put it simply, a JS object that has properties and techniques and permits view and controller is scope.