Back End Developer Interview Questions

Q1: What are the qualities any good backend developer must possess?

Ans: This is an excellent question for impressing the interviewer since it allows you to demonstrate your skills and knowledge of the role. However, many applicants make the error of merely emphasizing a few of their skills. At least some of the following points should be included in the ideal response:

  • Extensive knowledge in server programming languages such as Python, Ruby, Java, and Perl
  • Familiarity with NoSQL and RDBMS
  • Solid grasp of front-end technologies (easy to work with front-end developers)
  • A basic grasp of cloud deployments
  • Ability to construct business logic within any app
  • Ability to quickly create functional APIs
  • Service architecture design
  • Web application optimization

Q2: Which sorting algorithm to use and when?


  • Quick Sort: is one of the most effective sorting algorithms available. It works by dividing an array or list into smaller pieces and exchanging values depending on a comparison with the ‘pivot' element. It is more efficient for data that can be stored in memory. Otherwise, merge sort is recommended.
  • Bubble Sort: The most basic yet inefficient sorting method, it cycles over a list repeatedly, compares neighboring entries, and swaps them if they are out of order. It is typically utilized when the array is tiny or when a big amount of data is virtually sorted.
  • Selection Sort: It's a quick and easy comparison-based sorting method. It sorts by continuously finding the smallest element in an array. It is primarily used for small arrays since the time complexity renders it wasteful for bigger arrays.
  • Merge Sort: It employs the divide-and-conquer concept, making it one of the most efficient algorithms. It repeatedly divides lists into sub-lists of single components and then combines these elements based on the criteria. This is often utilized in the event of a linked list or if the known data is comparable.

Q3: What are some ci/cd practices?

Ans: Continuous integration and continuous delivery are two interrelated phrases in software engineering that have revolutionized many businesses' whole development life cycles. Continuous integration is a continuous automation method that assures that a program is built and tested frequently. Later in the lifecycle, continuous delivery refers to the continued development of a program ahead of production.

CI/CD is an automated procedure that bridges the gap between the development and operations teams to scale up production. Current DevOps initiatives are founded on this concept, and a developer must understand it.

Q4: When would you apply asynchronous communication between two systems?

Ans: In asynchronous communications, the client requests the server (which normally requires long processing) and instantly receives a delivery acknowledgment.

After receiving the acknowledgment, the client can proceed with other activities and be alerted when the server completes processing the request. The primary advantage of asynchronous communications is increased performance.

Asynchronous communications can be used immediately when a response is not required, and the present process can continue without it. Email, Slack, and other messaging services are real-world examples.

Q5: What’s the difference between software architecture and software design?

Ans: The structure of a program is referred to as its software architecture. That is, what remains of a program after it has been stripped down; its skeleton. The actual code-level execution of the software requirements, on the other hand, is referred to as software design. If software architecture is a program's blueprint, software design is the program's "construction."

As a result, software design penetrates further into the development process. The ideal way is to regard architecture and design as two independent but connected processes that produce a coherent development process.