JavaScript Case Sensitivity

JavaScript Case Sensitivity

Yes, it is a case-sensitive programming language, implying that identifiers, keywords, variables, and function names must be capitalized consistently.

JavaScript contains a set of rules for writing JavaScript programmes or codes, just like many other programming languages. One of the rules to observe is capitalization when naming keywords, identifiers, functions, and variables.

What exactly does that imply?

It means that if you create a variable named "temp" and write "Temp" instead of "temp" while displaying the value of this variable, it will not work properly and will give an error.

Note: It is important to use caution while naming variables and functions in JavaScript.

Keep in mind that HTML does not pay attention to the case of letters. Since JavaScript client-side is closely related, this distinction can be confusing. Many JavaScript objects and properties have the same names as the HTML tags and attributes they represent, making them easy to remember. They can be typed in HTML in any case, but JavaScript requires that they be all lowercase. JavaScript code must refer to the HTML onclick event handler attribute as onclick.

Client-side JavaScript can make exceptions to this restriction, even though JavaScript core is case-sensitive. For example, in Internet Explorer 3, all client-side objects and properties had no regard for the case. Internet Explorer 4 and later are case sensitive because this created Netscape incompatibility issues.