Characteristic features of JavaScript

Characteristic features of JavaScript

JavaScript is a lightweight, cross-platform scripting language that is built on objects. Not compiled, JavaScript is a translated language. Web browser's JavaScript Translator is responsible for translating JavaScript code. JavaScript allows users to create interactive web apps that don't require reloading the page every time a change is made. For interactivity and ease of use, the traditional website relies on JavaScript.

Features of JavaScript include the following:

  • Due to their built-in execution environments, all popular web browsers support JavaScript.
  • Its syntax and structure are identical to those of C. The language is thus organised.
  • This means that certain types are implicitly cast while using JavaScript (depending on the operation).
  • Instead of employing classes for an inheritance, JavaScript makes use of prototypes.
  • As a lightweight and interpretable language, it is easy to learn.
  • As a result, it is case-sensitive.
  • There are various operating systems that support JavaScript.
  • It gives consumers a lot of control over their web browsers.

JavaScript Applications

Website interactivity is made possible with JavaScript. In addition to client-side validation, dynamic drop-down menus, displaying date and time, displaying pop-up windows, displaying dialogue boxes, and displaying clocks, it is also used for a variety of other purposes.