Image Slider and Image Switcher

Image Slider and Image Switcher

Imageswitcher in Android is a type of ViewSwitcher that is a subclass of Imageview. This is a transition widget that aids in adding the transitions to the images. One of the key applications of transition will be animation, where the image is animated through a transition. It smoothly switches between two images, resulting in a transition. The following code demonstrates the Imageswitcher.

This kind of animation can be achieved through Image Slider as well. One can load the images through the custom layout and choose the type of animation provided by the Image Slider widget.

Attributes of ImageSwitcher widget in Android:

  • android:id – It is used for specifying the view id.
  • android:onClick – It is used for specifying the action as a user clicks the view.
  • android:background – It is used for setting the view background.
  • android:padding – It is used for setting the view padding.
  • android:visibility – It is used for setting the view visibility.
  • android:inAnimation – It is used for defining the animation for using as the view is shown.
  • android:outAnimation – It is used for defining the animation to use as the view is hidden.
  • android:animateFirstView – It is used for defining if we have to animate the current view as the view animation first gets displayed on the screen.
  • android:id – It is used for specifying the view id.

Various methods of ImageSwitcher widget in Android:

  • setImageDrawable: It is used for setting the new drawable for the next ImageView of the switcher.
  • setImageResource: It is used for setting the new image for the next ImageView of the resource id provided.
  • setImageURI: It is used for setting the new image for the next ImageView of the given URI.