What is a Spring MVC application?

What is a Spring MVC application?

A Spring MVC framework is a Java framework for developing web applications. The Model-View-Controller design pattern is used, and it supports the core spring framework's essential functionalities, including Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection.

Spring MVC Architecture relies heavily on AOP. AOP is utilized for both crosscutting and application concerns and data validation, module logging, transaction management, authentication, and objects. Aspect-Oriented Programming is made up of several components.

  • Step 1: Create a Maven project first. Create a Maven project using the Eclipse IDE by choosing the Web Archetype.
  • Step 2: Pom. XML must be updated.
  • Step 3: XML update on the web...
  • Step 4: Create an XML file for spring-mvc-servlet.
  • Create Controllers in Step 5.
  • Create POJO Classes in Step 6.
  • Create DAO Classes in Step 7.
  • Create a Spring Beans Configuration in Step 8.