"Easily gather, visualise, and understand app use data at scale," according to Amazon Mobile Analytics developers. After you've added the AWS Mobile SDK to your app and published it through your preferred distribution channel (such as the iTunes Store, Google Play, or Amazon Appstore), you'll be able to view reports through the AWS Management Console.
The parts that follow will show you how to include Mobile Analytics into your app.
Make Mobile Analytics a Part of Your App
The following using statements are required to access Mobile Analytics from Unity:
using Amazon.MobileAnalytics.MobileAnalyticsManager; using Amazon.CognitoIdentity; using
To give temporary AWS credentials to your application, the best practise is to utilise Amazon Cognito. The app uses these credentials to access your AWS services. Follow the steps at Amazon Cognito Identity to create a credentials provider.
Create a MobileAnalyticsManager object with the following parameters:
To initialise a MobileAnalyticsManager instance, use the MobileAnalyticsClientContextConfig, as demonstrated in the following code snippet:
/ Initialize the void Start() method of the MobileAnalyticsManager
// ...
analyticsManager = MobileAnalyticsManager.GetOrCreateInstance(
new CognitoAWSCredentials(<cognitoIdentityPoolId>,<cognitoRegion>),
// ...
During the app creation procedure, the app ID is produced for you. Both of these values must be the same as the ones seen in the Mobile Analytics Console.
In the Mobile Analytics console, the appId is utilised to categorise your data. After building the app in the Mobile Analytics console, go to the Mobile Analytics Console and click the gear icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen to discover your app ID. This will take you to the App Management page, where you can see a list of all the applications that have been registered as well as their app IDs.