AWS Organizations

AWS Organizations

AWS Organizations is an AWS account management service that allows users to manage and manage between AWS account groups, and the work flow and policies that apply to them.

The administrative process can be done manually or systemally at the API level. Users can:

Integrate multiple AWS services with many different AWS accounts.

Manage user locations according to organizational, legal, or project-based policies.

Accounts can share resources, security measures, audit requirements, suspensions, and policies between multiple AWS organizations.

In this article, we will provide an overview of the AWS Organization service and how you can use it as a great practice for your AWS user locations.

(This text is part of our AWS Guide. Use the right-hand menu to navigate.)

User accounts in AWS organizations

Initially, Amazon Web Services started with a single user account that registered multiple AWS services. Each person used one AWS account and signed up for multiple AWS services when required.

However, using a single account per user limit is how organizations can manage services, security permits, audits, policies, and billing for multiple business categories and projects assigned to the same user account.

The concept of the AWS account has changed dramatically since the introduction of the AWS cloud service, which continues to grow, especially in the areas of:

  • Solutions
  • Resource options
  • Charging
  • Setup features

Now, we can view AWS accounts as containers with such capabilities, all managed and managed on multiple AWS accounts but within the same single location.