IOS Introduction
Swift UI Label
Swift UI Button
Swift UI Text Field
Swift UI Slider
Swift UI Switch
Swift UI Stepper
Swift UI Date Picker
Swift UI Segmented Control
Table View
Collection Views
iOS Content View
iOS View Controllers
iOS Bar interface
iOS Navigation interface
iOS Architect Pattern
iOS Libraries
iOS Web request and parsing
iOS user defaults
iOS Coredata and database

iOS Libraries Cocoapods

iOS Libraries Cocoapods

For swift and objective C projects, Cocoapods acts as a dependency manager that may be used to install third-party libraries in the XCode project. Almost every iOS developer has honed this crucial ability. First, we'll look at how to install cocoapod on the system and utilize it to install various project requirements.

What is Cocoapods?

Install dependencies for swift and objective C applications in XCode with Cocoapods, an XCode dependency manager. The griddle is comparable to maven, which is used to install Java dependencies. On the other hand, dependency Managers (DMs) help developers by managing their libraries and making life easier.

It installs Firebase, Alamofire, and other third-party libraries on iOS. A third-party library like Firebase requires manual installation if you don't utilize Cocoapods. If Firebase updates its SDK, we must redownload it into our app.

When we use Cocoapod to handle our dependencies, our task becomes a lot easier; now, we just need to maintain a single file (Podfile), and it will automatically download all of the libraries indicated in it.