IOS Introduction
Swift UI Label
Swift UI Button
Swift UI Text Field
Swift UI Slider
Swift UI Switch
Swift UI Stepper
Swift UI Date Picker
Swift UI Segmented Control
Table View
Collection Views
iOS Content View
iOS View Controllers
iOS Bar interface
iOS Navigation interface
iOS Architect Pattern
iOS Libraries
iOS Web request and parsing
iOS user defaults
iOS Coredata and database

Navigation Controller

Navigation Controller

The Navigation Controller oversees one or more child view controllers in the navigation interface. In nearly all iOS applications, navigation controllers are used. Although one or several children's view controllers are maintained in a navigation stack, only one view controller is displayed on the screen. The view controller pushes a new viewer on the screen to select an item. The above view controller is animated and is hidden. See the browser interface that is utilized in the iOS settings app.

In the Navigation Controller, all view controllers feature a browsing bar with the titles and back button of the view controller. Tap the back button and remove the top view controller from the navigation stack. The back button for the root view of the stack is not given.

The View Controller is managed in the orderly array by a navigation controller, which considers both the root view controller and the navigation stack bottom as the first item. The last item in the array is the top view controller currently shown. Using UINavigationController methods, we may push or pop View Controllers into the stack.

In addition, the navigation control maintains the navigation bar for all navigation stack view controllers, always displayed at the top of the screen. The navigation control also manages an optional toolbar at the bottom of the screen.

The behavior of a navigation controller is maintained via a delegate object. Custom animations can be provided to push and pop the view controllers. The preferred navigation interface orientation can also be specified.