IOS Introduction
Swift UI Label
Swift UI Button
Swift UI Text Field
Swift UI Slider
Swift UI Switch
Swift UI Stepper
Swift UI Date Picker
Swift UI Segmented Control
Table View
Collection Views
iOS Content View
iOS View Controllers
iOS Bar interface
iOS Navigation interface
iOS Architect Pattern
iOS Libraries
iOS Web request and parsing
iOS user defaults
iOS Coredata and database

Model View Controller

Model View Controller

A widespread and easy-to-follow iOS application design pattern is the MVC model. We won't be coding anything here, but we'll walk through some MVC projects and discuss best practices.

What is an MVC structure?

MVC is a standard software architecture pattern for beginners with the following objects.

  • The model comprises the objects used to handle the application's data. When parsing the request and response with the server's API, the models are utilized to parse them. Here you'll find things like persistence, model objects, parsers, managers, and networking code.
  • When it comes to view, it's viewed as a representation of the application. This data is shown via view objects such as UILabel and UITextField. Domain-specific logic is absent from the view.
  • Model and view are connected via a delegation pattern, using the controller as a middleman. The controller doesn't need to know what view it's working on to perform its tasks. Although the model parses and displays the data, the controller holds the business logic to show the data.

Encapsulation of Data and Behavior (Model Object)

The application's data and actions are encapsulated in the Model layer. Several classes make up the application's model, and there is also logic used to manipulate the data to be displayed in the application. In a well-designed iOS application, all the critical data is encapsulated in the model objects. The model object has no explicit link to the user interface in the program. The request and response models are used to parse all the data coming from the server as a get API response or going to the server as a post API request in a dynamic iOS application that makes API calls to get its data on runtime.